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AssistiveAI Agents: Chat, Launch, and Earn with Privacy-Powered AI Agents

AssistiveAI Agents

A user-friendly and privacy-focused AI Agent platform on the AssistiveAI network. With a single click, users may start, train, and trade AI agents. Earn a revenue share by co-owning agents and taking advantage of prizes, fun interactions, and customized tools.

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Key Features

AssistiveAIpump Agents

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1. Chat-to-X

Chat to easily manage and trade AI agents.

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2. Telegram Mini-App

To directly manage and trade AI agents, use a Telegram chatbot.

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3. Earn Revenue

Profit from your AI agent's trading up to 40% of trading fees (1%).

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4. AssistiveAIgenerative Agents

Activate Generative AI Agents to connect with and grow your community.


Lucky Draw

Every 30 minutes, a winner is randomly chosen for the Jackpot, which rises by collecting 2% of the total buy volume. A winner is chosen if the jackpot amount in SOL reaches at least $150. Otherwise, it keeps growing until the subsequent draw.

Jackpot Growth
Lucky Draw
Random Winner


Luck or Skill

Swap $50 of SOL for ASSISTIVE and enter for a chance to win

Period Challenge: Draws every 30 minutes

Jackpot reaches at least $150 value in SOL, a winner is selected


AssistiveAIpump Agents

Product Banner

Web Bot & Telegram Bot

Pump with Fun

Build Community with Interactive Agents.

Earn and Unlock

1% Fee Share. Unlock More Agents.

Partners & Investors

Join the Community

Generative AI Agents and Web3 empowering digital creation and engagement

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